Techno Finder
Techno Finder finished 8th place during the Community Round of Apps for Metro Chicago.
The City of Chicago has many public technology resources such as computers with internet or public wifi.
Technology training is often available at these public technology resources.The locations of these public technology resources are available on the City of Chicago web site.
For someone with a computer this is great, but what if you don't have a computer and need to use the internet? Or what if you have a computer but don't have internet in your home?
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to call a phone number and find public technology resources in your area?
Techno Finder uses the City of Chicago data source to locate public technology sources in a zip code.
Simply call the phone number and technology resources in your area will be read over the phone. Select one of the locations on the keypad to hear more information about that resource. The location can then be sent to you via text message.
Techno Finder can be used with any phone, no smart phone required to make a voice call.
Looking for public Wi Fi hot spots in the City of Chicago?
Techno finder has a mobile component that allows users to view public wifi locations on the map. Visiting Chicago or not sure where to find public wifi locations?
Go to http://techfind.me/mobile in your browser or on your mobile smart phone. The map shows locations with the public wifi.
Click on any of the icons to find out more information about the location.
You do not have a computer at home but need to use a computer with internet.
Call(773) 280-8612
Enter your 5 digit zip code
Here are 2 locations. Press the location number you want more information about.
- Location #1 Bucktown-Wicker Park
Location #2 Humboldt Park - Information about location Humboldt Park is as follows:
Location: 1605 N. Troy Street
Type: Chicago Public Library
Hours: M-W: 12PM-8PM; TU, TH: 10AM-6PM; F-SA: 9AM-5PM; SU: Closed
Phone: (312) 744-2244
Appointment: NA
Internet: Yes
Training: Yes - Would you like to have a text message sent to you? Press 1 to get a text message
- 1
- What 10-digit phone number would you like to send the information to?
- 773-555-1212